Recent statistics show a high ratio of people with disabilities in Vietnam, and they are facing difficulties in their daily lives. There are numerous significant legal documents and policies supporting people with disabilities but the well-being of disabled people has improved little. They are still less supported to have an independent life or to be comprehensively empowered. In an eastern country with high traditional value on the role of education, it is found that wider Vietnamese society and people with disabilities themselves recognise education as the best way to deal with such life challenges. So, from survey findings by Vietnam Association for the Handicapped (2013-2014) in Hanoi and Danang, this paper focuses on how people with disabilities experience their lives in educational contexts in order to gather a fuller perspective of their social inclusion and to propose the implication of further measures of support for their well-being.
Received 19th March 2016; Revised 24th April 2017; Accepted 29th April 2017
Tác giả: Lại Quốc Khánh
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