This article aims to document changes in social relation of Tay ethnic people in a Northeastern commune in Vietnam during the last 35 years. Drawn upon data analysis results of the 1981 survey of the Institute of Anthropology in cooperation with Soviet ethnologists and field research from April to September 2016, the research examines changes in family and lineage relation, community and ethnic relations of the Tay people in Quang Lang commune, Chi Lang district, Lang Son province. It seeks to understand the effects of Doi Moi and urbanization process during the last some decades upon this mountainous rural society, the way that local people relate to each other to face with challenges in modern society. Its result indicates that social relations of the Tay people in Quang Lang have strongly undergone impacts of the market economy and the process of urbanization and integration. Family relations changed towards equality, however, have been impacted by the downside of the market economy. Family ties seem to be further strengthened through economic links and social support but there also appear contradictions due to land disputes and differences in economic benefits. Community relations still maintain cohesion due to the demand for social assistance, and the development of social relations within the village but social differentiation has increased. Regarding ethnic relation, local people have increasingly expanded relations with other ethnic groups in over all the country.
Received 23rd September 2017; Revised 09th October 2017; Accepted 30th October 2017
Tác giả: Lại Quốc Khánh
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