This paper introduces a new survey method for identifying the capacity of local people in community-based tourism development, that is called KSAP- Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Practices. The origin of KSAP is known as KAP (Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices), which has dominantly been implemented in family planning, community studies, and most frequently in health care service…. Although it has widely applied in health studies, KAP is still unknown in the field of tourism research in general, and community-based tourism in particular. Learning from scholars in Medicine, we would like to introduce KAP technique into tourism surveys. When applied in tourism research, it had better to add a fourth component, which is “Skills”. KSAP represents a survey technique that investigates three dimensions of a community's perception thoroughly and scientifically. A KSAP survey is a quantitative method (predefined questions in standardized format) that helps to find out both quantitative and qualitative information as well. A KSAP survey records opinions and that are based on respondents’ statements. In other words, the KSAP survey reveals what was said, and what is done. From the data collected, KSAP helps to identify the gaps between the above components, i.e. between what is known, what is know-how, what is aware of and what is done. KSAP helps to measure the extent of a known situation to change tourism-related behaviors, to improve tourism-related skills, and to develop practicing tourism business among local people. It also suggests an intervention strategy that reflects specific local circumstances and those cultural factors that influence them, and consequently, plans activities that are suited to the respective population involved. The result of a KSAP survey at Nahang illustrates the significance of KSAP survey technique.
Received: 22nd December 2015; Revised: 29th September; Accepted: 10th October 2016
Tác giả: Lại Quốc Khánh
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